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Flight departs from Bangalore to Sydney - Qantas

*Please note, these are Special Flight Deals which means:

- Online Check-in is not possible.
- You may receive your tickets 7 days prior to your departure.
- You may not request specific seating.
- Frequent Flyer points may not be accruable or redeemable.
- Change and Cancellation Penalties may be stricter.
- Partial cancellation is not permitted. Example, if your order is a return journey, however, you would like to cancel just the one side; that is not possible. You would have to cancel the whole booking and make another new booking. Subject to availability of seats. ​

Economy Plus
Luggage - Adult: 40 Kg
- Child: 40 Kg
Inclusions - In-flight entertainment system
- Onboard amenities and meals included
- Full payment within 12 hours of booking
Change Fee Change fee $350 (includes Airlines fees + Gaura Change Fee) + A fare difference may apply.​
Changes not permitted within 7 days of departure. ​
Cancellation Fee Non-Refundable

Want to book return flights? Learn more:

Journey duration: 11h 25min


Bangalore (BLR)

Time : 6:45 pm


Departure Date
Selected Date

Sydney (SYD)

Time : 10:40 am


Arrival Date
Selected Date +1
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